Tuesday, September 14


Trading Faces by Julia DeVillers and Jennifer Roy

Great MG fiction written in real time.  Twins, Emma (the smart one) and Payton (the social butterfly) start 7th grade in a new school.  For the first time, ever, they have different schedules. A little scary for these sisters that have been together forever. After Payton has an upset with new friends, Emma offers to take her place. For the day. The girls soon learn trading places is a little more complicated than originally planned.

The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry

Fascinating read. Towner Whitney thinks her life has been fine since she moved to California.  When her brother calls with the news that her Aunt is missing and possibly dead, Towner goes home to Salem.

At the beginning of her story, Towner admits she's a liar and not to believe what she tells us.  But the further I read, I believed.

Her mixed up family, and the death of her twin sister finally comes to light and I wanted to kick myself for believing this girl from a family of women that could read lace.

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