Saturday, March 12

Nook VS Book and Clarity by Kim Harrington

Click here to see how I made my cover.
Don't get me wrong, I love my nook. It fits in my purse and is easy to take to the laundromat.

Also, it was easy to add my documents or e-books in pdf format to my nook to read away from my computer. The online classes I'm taking with Bob Mayer and Savvy Authors can be transferred to my nook for reading later.

I love downloading books from Barnes and Noble in a couple of minutes, such fun.

But when I received Clarity, by Kim Harrington in the mail,
it has a dust jacket. Not just a cover, it's beautiful. The
raised letters of the title, the girl with striking blue eyes,
her red hair, sunbursts on her face. Breathtaking.

I see posts all over the internet, how excited authors
and readers are over the graphics for a novel. It's
something that gets the reader excited, it invites you
to open the pages. (The title wasn't available as an
e-book when I preordered, but now I see it is.)

                                                                            I removed the dust cover. The book is purple with indented title and on the spine the letters are raised and printed in gold.

Yes, there is something about holding a book in your hands, it's romantic. I'm in love.

By the way, I loved the story inside. Clarity is a wonderful character. She does things I wish I had the nerve to do. But seems in the end we may see Clarity in the future.

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