I thought I’d write about Voice for this post. Then I found some wonderful posts on voice HERE.
No matter how many times I read about something, sometimes I still need to read more to understand.
Perhaps another person can explain it one more time, another way for me to get it. So here’s my take on voice.
On Saturday night Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe aired by C.S. Lewis. I have never seen or read it so I sat down to watch it. I was amazed this story was about Heaven and Hell, the righteous and the sinners. It jumped out at me during the battle with the Witch and all her comrades were pretty ugly looking creatures.
Edmond, the youngest brother believed the Witch would make him a king and betrayed the others. When Edmond escapes the Witch, the Lion speaks to him in private, and then tells his siblings there is no need to talk of his betrayal again. His brother and two sisters hug Edmond and welcome him back to the good side.
I was disappointed with the fact the lion killed the witch and not one of the protagonists. After all we are told our protagonist or hero must initiate and do what is needed to correct the problem. In C.S. Lewis’s view of Narnia, only the Lion could save Narnia. That is the writer’s voice telling his belief through the characters.
I googled C. S. Lewis, and lots of links about him and Christianity showed up. (this definitely shows my ignorance about him)
My point here is that your voice is what you believe told through your characters. Not a sermon, but how you see and interpret the world. Everyone has values, ambitions, and opinions. This is how you look at the world, everyone’s truths have an influence on their writing. When your truth comes through your character in a subtle way, it is your voice. And what we all hope is that our truths are unique enough to stand out from the crowd.
What are your ambitions, values and opinions. Whisper them into your characters ears, and create an antagonist who believes the opposite, this will create the tension you need in your WIP.
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